







Mystics provides world-class training combining embodied personal
development, healing and deep spiritual practice to activate the
leaders who are called to help evolve humanity in co-creating a
better, brighter, more beautiful world for us all.


like an ancient mystery school....with some upgrades



Level 1



Foundation of
Personal & Spiritual Development

Level 2



Conscious Relationship &
Masculine/Feminine Embodiment

Level 3



Advanced Personal &
Spiritual Development



Are you interested in joining Mystic or curious to learn more?
Schedule a call with our admissions coordinator now.



Embodied Growth

Continue your embodied grow, becoming more conscious, actualizing your greater potential and thriving all throughout your life.  Feel more relaxed, open, free, grounded, centered, expressive, joyful and confident in your body.  Learn tools to self-regulate, have more energy, feel and release emotions and heal past trauma.  But it’s not just about mentally knowing it, Mystics is intentionally designed so your growth can be embodied to create lasting change and skills for a lifetime.

Better Relationships

Learn how to create rapport, deepen connection, deescalate conflict, invite openness, evoke insight and relate with much deeper presence and connection.  Enhance your communication skills, while becoming more aware, curious, empathic, boundaried and accepting

with your romantic partner, friends, clients and community.  Become more securely attached with those closest to you.  Live with an open heart to feel more connection, joy, love and gratitude throughout your life. 

Advanced Abilities

Learn the Jedhi skills and potent practices to embody your greater potential and activate your advanced abilities.  Learn to sense, intuit, empathize, power-up, release emotion, move energy, create attraction, access wisdom, enter flow, feel the Sacred and many other extra-sensory perceptions.  Learn to live from Soul and Awake Awareness rather than predominantly from mind and ego .

Impact & Success

Reclaim your attention, reduce stress, avoid digital distraction and overcome procrastination, so you can more often be in flow states for greater creativity, productivity and success.  Find the clarity, direction and inspiration to take your career to the next level in ways that are aligned with your unique purpose, positivity impact our world, has you feel fulfilled and allows many to prosper. 

Spiritual Awakening

Cultivate a more consistent spiritual practice to feel more inspired, aligned, in flow and spiritually connected.  Deepen devotion to your unique spiritual practice, the Divine and the Awakening process.  Use the Mystics Map to clarify, accelerate and stabilize previously glimpsed deep states as your new baseline, ultimately stabilizing Non-Dual Awake Awareness in all moments.





Embodied Growth

Continue your embodied grow, becoming more conscious, actualizing your greater potential and thriving all throughout your life.  Feel more relaxed, open, free, grounded, centered, expressive, joyful and confident in your body.  Learn tools to self-regulate, have more energy, feel and release emotions and heal past trauma.  But it’s not just about mentally knowing it, Mystics is intentionally designed so your growth can be embodied to create lasting change and skills for a lifetime.

Better Relationships

Learn how to create rapport, deepen connection, deescalate conflict, invite openness, evoke insight and relate with much deeper presence and connection.  Enhance your communication skills, while becoming more aware, curious, empathic, boundaried and accepting

with your romantic partner, friends, clients and community.  Become more securely attached with those closest to you.  Live with an open heart to feel more connection, joy, love and gratitude throughout your life. 

Emotional Intelligence

Emotionally Intelligent Instead of Mental Bypassing

Emotional Intelligence is a  distinct line of development from the realization of spiritual states. In other words, being able to feel subtle energy or glimpse Non-Dual Awareness is unrelated to being able to name, feel and release an emotion. Learning to sit and scan your body as one common meditation tradition teaches is useful for body sensing, but ineffective for helping you feel and release the emotion. Thus, instead of spending days in an emotional state, Mystics teaches practical and effective emotional intelligence tools that can help you release the feeling in minutes.

Impact & Success

Reclaim your attention, reduce stress, avoid digital distraction and overcome procrastination, so you can more often be in flow states for greater creativity, productivity and success.  Find the clarity, direction and inspiration to take your career to the next level in ways that are aligned with your unique purpose, positivity impact our world, has you feel fulfilled and allows many to prosper. 

Spiritual Awakening

Cultivate a more consistent spiritual practice to feel more inspired, aligned, in flow and spiritually connected.  Deepen devotion to your unique spiritual practice, the Divine and the Awakening process.  Use the Mystics Map to clarify, accelerate and stabilize previously glimpsed deep states as your new baseline, ultimately stabilizing Non-Dual Awake Awareness in all moments.





A developmental dojo for the 21st century
to embody & awaken your greater human & spiritual potential.



Are you interested in joining Mystics or curious to learn more?
Schedule a call with our admissions coordinator now.